Releasing an app update with a lost signing
key flavors

Guide to Resetting Upload Key on Google Play - Step-by-Step Process

Losing a keystore file, which is essential for signing an Android application, can be a significant issue when attempting to release an update on Google Play. Here’s a step-by-step guide to generate a new key and reset the upload key on Google Play.

What is a keystore file?

A keystore file contains private keys and certificates used to sign an Android application. When an Android app is built, it is signed with a keystore file, generating a signed app bundle. This bundle is then uploaded to Google Play, where the key is extracted and stored to ensure authenticated updates.

Steps to reset the upload key

Step 1: Request a key reset from google play

  1. Visit play console help: Go to Play Console Help .
  2. Navigate to support: Under “Browse help topics,” expand “Fix an issue” and select “Publishing issues.”
  3. Contact support: Expand “Issues with app signing or upload keys” and click on “Contact our support team” (Contact Form) .
  4. Submit the form: Fill in the required fields and submit the form. Explain the situation and request a reset of the upload key.

Step 2: Follow the instructions from google play support

After submitting the form, Google Play Developer Support will respond with detailed instructions on generating and registering a new key. Here’s a summary of what to expect

Generate a new key: Use the instructions provided by Google Play or the following command to generate a new key

keytool -genkeypair -alias upload -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 9125 -keystore keystore.jks

Export the certificate to PEM format

keytool -export -rfc -alias upload -file upload_certificate.pem -keystore keystore.jks

Step 3: Update the PEM file in google play console

  1. Access App Signing Settings: Go to Setup > App integrity > App Signing in the Google Play Console.
  2. Request Upload Key Reset
  • Provide a reason for the key reset.
  • Enter the PEM file as instructed.
  • Click Request.

Final steps

After updating the PEM file according to the instructions, it may take a couple of days for the new key to become active. Once active, proceed with rolling out the new release.


Ensure the new keystore file is securely stored to prevent future issues. This guide provides a comprehensive solution to reset the upload key and release app updates on Google Play after losing the signing key.

Aathithyan Siriramachchanthiran

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